
Addressing Worker Housing Condition
Housing labor has since been the preoccupation of national and local government agencies, which realizes the need for manpower capacity building, yet aware of the repercussions that might unfold. Similarly companies without a strategic manpower plan, often fall victim to international human right pressures like the effective "anti-sweat shop" campaigns.

Low Income Users
Usually, if housing cost accounts for more than a third of household income, it quickly becomes impossible to maintain strong communities with safe neighborhoods. The resultant environment would be one heavily dependent on government subsidies, international aid or general unruly slum-like conditions. The debate on recognizing slum property rights and slum upgrading often goes into tail-spins, especially when housing in itself is a sensitive political "hot potato" issue. Low income does not necessarily translate to poor housing if managed well.

Low Cost Typologies
Funky and innovative design gets the housing issue in the press, but are seldom able to be scaled-up, reproduced systematically for more to benefit and improved upon. Mass housing, currently still means standard pre-fabricated rows of high rise blocks. History have shown urban ghettos, ethnic enclaves and urban blight all have their beginnings in good intentioned Mass Housing, often coined as public, social or affordable housing.